It is possible to add and remove styles on Lightning components or element during runtime.
To retrieve the class name on a component, use component.find(‘myCmpId’).get(‘v.class’), where myCmpId is the aura:id attribute value and the class is added dynamically. To append and remove CSS classes from a component or element, use the $A.util.addClass(cmpTarget, ‘class’) and $A.util.removeClass(cmpTarget, ‘class’) methods.
Consider this component – AddRemoveCSS.cmp
<aura:component >
<div aura:id="changeBtn">Change My Style!</div><br />
<lightning:button class ="btn" onclick="{!c.addCSS}" label="Add Style" />
<lightning:button onclick="{!c.removeCSS}" label="Remove Style" />
I added the btn class to the Add Style button to style it a little bit. Check the style below in the STYLE code.
The controller:
addCSS: function(cmp, event) {
var cmpTarget = cmp.find('changeBtn');
$A.util.addClass(cmpTarget, 'changeStyle');
removeCSS: function(cmp, event) {
var cmpTarget = cmp.find('changeBtn');
$A.util.removeClass(cmpTarget, 'changeStyle');
The STYLE code:
.THIS.changeStyle {
color: blue;
width: 150px;
margin-top: 20px;
margin-left: 15px;
margin-left: 15px;
The THIS.btn added both right and left margins to the first button to improve the user experience.
The result of clicking the Add Style button is attached below