Ansible Error couldn’t resolve module/action ”

This ERROR! couldn’t resolve module/action ” often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
Once a collection is installed, I never have issue using the collections. For example, the simple playbook
below is using collections to gran information about a particular EBS volume.
This has always worked for me without any issue inasmuch as the collection has been installed.

Gather information about a particular volume using volume ID

          volume-id: vol-00112233
    This has always worked for me without any issue inasmuch as the collection has been installed.
    $ansible-galaxy collection install
    I had an issue on a system the other, where I got the error message above even though the collection
    was installed. I resolved this issue by putting a requirements.yml file inside a collections folder on the

Same level as the playbook with the following texts.



   |__ requirements.yml

Author: Fisan Epebinu